LEAD is an invitation-only community for CEOs in the Greater Boston area.

We host quarterly in-person meetings in Boston, providing a platform for over 200 CEOs from diverse industries with revenues ranging from $50 million to $5 billion to connect, learn, and share insights. Our events feature a complimentary full breakfast, followed by a keynote address from a prominent CEO and an interactive discussion on a timely and relevant topic. LEAD is a cost-free, independent community with no affiliations to any external organizations.

Our focus is solely on fostering a valuable peer network for CEOs, driven by the demand from industry leaders seeking a dedicated space for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Group meeting in Boston


The Boston leadership community is a diverse and tight knit group. When I had the opportunity to join a group of CEO’s grappling with the same issues as I face daily, I was very interested. Being able to share perspectives from local leaders across industries is extremely helpful. I have enjoyed being a part of the LEAD Community as it gives me the chance to compare thoughts on complicated issues to which there is no easy answer.  Thank you to LEAD for making this happen.

Crawford Del Prete President, IDC

A LEAD breakfast meeting that really stood out for me was the discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The CEO keynote was from a tech company in California.  I had read about AI prior but felt for the first time that I had real grasp of the potential for AI in business.  He simplified it for us, made it relevant for multiple industries, and answered our questions with honesty, specific examples, and with a sense of humor. I’m very grateful to be a part of the LEAD community, meeting a number of other CEOs and discussing relevant topics for CEO’s. I look forward to future LEAD programs.

Dr. Allen Smith President and Chief Executive Officer, South Shore Health

The LEAD Community has been a great way for me to take myself out of my day-to-day routine and hear what other CEOs are thinking.  Most of us come from different industries; it’s refreshing to hear some of the challenges and opportunities we face are in common and thought provoking, and to hear the different ways our peers are addressing them.

Erik Frederick President and Chief Executive Officer, Pizzeria Uno

“I had the pleasure of attending the Q4 LEAD breakfast forum featuring Dr. Furman from Harvard, where he provided an incredibly insightful analysis of the economic impact of the recent U.S. Election. The forum brought together CEOs from various companies across the Boston area, and it was fascinating to hear their unique perspectives alongside Dr. Furman’s expert commentary. His ability to unpack complex topics and present them in a compelling and accessible way made the session both highly engaging and immensely beneficial. The dynamic exchange of ideas among the participants made the event even more enriching. It was a privilege to learn from such a distinguished expert and to engage with an impressive group of leaders.”

Andreas Weller, Chief Executive Officer, Tecomet

Participating in LEAD has been a transformative experience for me, both professionally and personally. The program offers a unique environment where leaders come together to engage in meaningful dialogue, tackle complex issues and share diverse perspectives.

Marcel Vernon, Sr., Executive Director , Massachusetts Convention Center Authority

About LEAD Founders

Sean Glavin
Read more
Sean Glavin
Chuck Mollor
Read more
Chuck Mollor

Q1 2025 LEAD Breakfast Discussion: Top CEO Challenges in 2025

Tuesday, March 18th from 7:30A – 9:30A at The Langham, Boston
McKinsey partners Ben Hall & John Chartier will join the LEAD CEO community to kick off the discussion on the top challenges that CEOs and their teams are focused on heading into 2025.

Topics include:

      • Return to Office
      • Workforce Productivity
      • Leading through change
      • Building a resilient workforce

As with all LEAD breakfast discussions, we’ll begin with a 30 Minute breakfast social, Ben & John will kick us off for 30 Minutes, and we’ll spend the final hour discussing in a roundtable format.

Please note that we cap the breakfast at 30 on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your seat, please email Sean or Chuck or simply respond to your email invitation.

Past Events

  • 2024 Q1 LEAD Breakfast Discussion: Investing for Growth 2/13/24
  • 2024 Q2 LEAD Breakfast Discussion: Executive Team Alignment & Effectiveness 5/15/24
  • 2024 Q3 LEAD Breakfast Discussion: Retooling technology’s ROI 8/21/24
  • 2024 Q4 LEAD Breakfast Discussion: Election Economy Impact 11/13/24

2024 Keynote Speakers

  • 2024 Q1 Scott Sperling, CEO THL Partners & Darryl Fess, CEO Brookline Bancorp
  • 2024 Q2 Andy Freed, CEO Virtual Inc
  • 2024 Q3 Ajit Sawant, Partner McKinsey & Company
  • 2024 Q4 Jason Furman, Economist Harvard University